Ash Ketchum(Ashyboy)
Ash is one of my favorite characters in Pokemon! Of course some people might hate him, like you know he can be clumsy and dumb sometimes but he's kewl. ^_^ Ash Ketchum is 10 years old and is from Pallet Town, that's where he got his first Pokemon, Pikachu, from Professor Oak. (He's Gary Oak's Grandfather, an expert on Pokemon) Ash's rival is Gary Oak(such a faggot! LOL that's what I call him in the game LOL)And they both want to be the World's Greatest Pokemon Master. Ash got his first 2 badges from pity and that Misty and Brock felt sorry for him and he putted up a great battle though. Well Misty and Brock decided to go on the journey with Ash, because well Misty travels with him because of her bike(which she doesn't take that seriously)and Brock's father came and told him to fulfill his dream to be the World's Greatest Pokemon Breeder. Ash really LOVES Pokemon like what Misty said in the 3rd episode of the series.
(Did you know that hat was an OFFICIAL HAT