Misty is that girl with the orange/reddish color hair(very obvious because she's a girl ^_^). She was the leader of the Cerulean City Gym. She has 3 other sisters(The 3 Sensational Sisters)which Misty is the fourth. Of course she left to become one of the greatest Pokemon trainers. Misty follows Ash because of her bike because he accidently destroyed it trying to save Pikachu(one of the pictures are shown in Ash's Profile). Well Misty does like Pokemon which she really loves Water-Type Pokemon. While Ash likes any kind(really doesn't have a favorite). Sometimes Misty wants Ash's pokemon like when he was going to battle Bulbasaur, Misty is like:
Misty: Ooooooo, let me battle Bulbasaur please!
Ash: No way!
Well I heard Misty was 13???? Or 12,well I don't actually know but she's around Ash's age ...
Well you know, Misty surely
doesn't like one Water-type Pokemon, Pysduck(it's that yellow duck she's pointing at) she
doesn't get along with him while Psyduck is always wanting to battle to impress
Misty. He is always in Starmie's pokeball LOL since Misty chooses Starmie a lot.
Awww isn't he sooo cute? Psyduck has very sorry attacks but when his headaches go
bad, he can do psycic powers. And sometimes Psyduck can get Misty headaches.
Misty also has now a Togepi which he thinks she is his mother because Misty was the first
thing that he saw so he thinks that Misty is his mother.
"You call that a lame tail wag!"
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