Team Rocket
Oh I love Team Rocket!!! I think they're so cool!! Alright well let's start with Jessie! (note: this page will take awhile to load up some pics)
Hometown: City across from Sunnydale
Enemies: Ash Ketchum and the other
Team Rocket especially Cassidy
Jessie is that pretty lady right there with the red hair ^_^. She cares a lot about her beauty, and also she can be concieted. Always as James say,"Beauty before duty! Jessie kills anyone who ruins her face, and when she gets mad, she gets a lot of fire!! Jessie is holding a rose right there in the picture but she doesn't do that, it was when James wasn't there, he's the one who carries a rose.
She cares a lot about James and Meowth, and he can really be a pain. Jessie's Pokemons are Ekans which envolved into Arbok and Lickitung which she got from the episode of the Electric Soilder Porygon. Jessie got Ekans for her birthday.
City across from Sunnydale, before with his parents.
Enemies: Ash Ketchum and the other Team Rocket
Age: 17
Most people's favorite character of Team Rocket is James. He comes from a rich society which he didn't like and ran away(mosty because of Jessebell.) James likes his freedom and he loves being a member of Team Rocket. Sometimes he has to get dressed as a girl with Jessie, I guess I feel sorry for him, oh well.
He's really funny, and really is one of the kewlest in the team, well I really like all of them but I guess James is my most favorite(the other runner up was Jessie!).
James's Pokemon is Koffing which envolved into a Weezing. He also has another Pokemon(which is actually his pet)which is Growli(Growlithe). Though Growlithe is going with him because he wanted Growlithe to take care of his parents. Another Pokemon that he captured like Jessie after the episode of Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden. He cought a Weepinbell, then it envolved into a Victrebell. I guess that his Victreebell doesn't like him very much....
Hometown: In
the wild =)/then with the boss
Enemies: Ash Ketchum and the
Gang and the other Team Rocket
and the Boss's Persian
Age: ?? Lives 9 years
Awww isn't that soo cute? Meowth is a Pokemon, and the only one who can talk. He also loves to look for money and he also have this sort of money thing on his head. He is really also as funny as James. He's sorta the boss of the team which whenever he gets mad, he would scratch Jessie and James faces. And then they would kill him for doing that. He was dissed(lol okay in another way, kicked out and he was replaced by Persian)by the boss of the whole Team Rocket. Persian is the envolved form of Meowth.
Meowth really hates the other Team Rocket for copying off their motto and everything. I guess he really hate the Raticate.
Team Rocket!
Here it is! Presenting Team
Jessie: Prepare
for trouble,
James: Make it double!
Jessie: To protect the world
for devastation,
James: To unite all peoples
within our nation,
Jessie: To denounce the evils
of truth and love,
James: To extend our reach to
the stars above.
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!
Jessie:Team Rocket blasts of
at the speed of light
James: Surrender now or
prepare to fight.
Meowth: Meowth! That's
Team Rocket always does their speech in every single episode, and sometimes they even do it in front of nobody!!!
Team Rocket plans to capture rare and valuable pokemon. Also their goal is to capture Pikachu, and the only one they want is Ash's Pikachu. In 1 episode that I remember, they tried to help Pikachu beat this Raichu, and if Pikachu doesn't win, Pikachu won't be worth enough to capture.
Oh yeah...hmmmmmmmm.......ok, Jessie and James do care about eachother, and everytime they live from a really big accident, they would hug eachother and say they're the unbeatable Team Rocket! And a part from the Saint Anne, when they were going to cross the fire hmmmmmm....
Team Rocket always have a plan of trying to capture Pikachu but they always fail. They're pretty good plans though.
Things they've tried:
-digging a hole(LOL many times)
-capturing him by a net
-Pikachu Balloon Bazooka
-tricking Ash, Misty, and Brock(like the warp tile)
-sucking up Pikachu and other Pokemon(a few times)
-get Todd to capture him but they made a mistake because he "captures" them on
Other Things
-trying to record Jigglypuff's voice
-blow up Grandfather's Canyon
-capture Farfetche'd
>-capture the Pokemon in the Pokemon Breeding Center where you meet the new Team Rocket
-steal Togepi when he was still an egg
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